K. Sandles is a composite of Kayla Sandles-Williams, 20 years old. The composition consists of an overlay of colors that aesthetically complement one another while also contrasting due to color temperature and placement. This photograph is digitally edited to embody layers of personality versus physical characteristics of an individual's identity. Red symbolizes anger, which contrasts with the cool colors of blue and green. The blue represents sad and gloomy days, and the green represents the wonder and happy days. The last contrasting colors are purple, pink, and yellow. Purple is a symbol of focused and content days, pink is love and affection, and yellow is for disgust and suffering. Society tends to focus on appearance and not the internal and external factors all people experience. Inspired by psychology’s ability to study behavior, I focused on Fundamental Attribution Error, which attributes actions to a person’s character or personality without considering the external forces acting during that time.